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Shepherd of the Hills Historic Farm Tour

Jul 01, 2024 01:27PM ● By BrewView MO
Take a tour to beautiful Old Matt’s Cabin, which stands in its original location, and is on the National Historic Registry 


Tours depart at 10am and again at 12pm Tuesday-Saturday. Tours run through May 4th – October 23rd.

Inspiration Point

It’s not hard to understand why Harold Bell Wright decided to camp atop what is now known as Inspiration Point and is the second highest point in Southwest Missouri. Inspiration Point has a gorgeous view that extends all the way to the Boston Mountains in Northwest Arkansas on a clear day. It was here that Harold Bell Wright penned his notes for what would become the 2nd most widely read book in publishing history. Experience the breathtaking views from the hillside where he camped and drew the inspiration for The Shepherd of the Hills.

The Morgan Community Church

This beautiful church was saved from demolition and moved to Inspiration Point in 1991. It is quaint and simple, very similar to the churches that Harold Bell Wright ministered in as he traveled across southern Missouri.

The Legendary Shepherd of the Hills Outdoor Theater Set

As the tour leaves Inspiration Point, you’ll travel down the mountainside to the site of Old Matt’s grist mill. The Old Mill Theatre was built into this wooded setting over 50 years ago. You’ll be able to step on the stage of the popular Branson show for a behind-the-scenes glimpse of the nightly performance, and learn how some of the amazing special effects are achieved.

The Shepherd of the Hills 

5586 West 76 Country Blvd

Branson, MO

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